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Sunday, April 10, 2011

~progress thesis~

salam semua..

hehe,,actually xtau nk update pe..=P
td br pas cyapkan draft thesis..
alhamdulillah da chapter 3 progress thesis sy..
lagi dua chapter...result and discussion and then conclusion..
sok antar kat supervisor draft thesis chapter 1 until 3..
ingat nk antar smpai chapter 4 tp memandangkan chapter 4 msih rongak2..
so antar smpai 3 je la..
lusa ley antar chapter 4 plak..
xpela bg supervisor byk cket keje kan..hehe,..=P
mnggu ni mmg kene cyapkan thesis smpai chapter 5
coz lg 2 mnggu da kene antar
kat second examiner..
pergh!!cuak gler seyh sbb second examiner sy dpt dr kamariah..
sgtla straight orgnyer..
dy pnah ajar sy inorganic..
xyah ckpla betapa susahnyer dy nk bagi markah kat cluz ktorunx..
lg2 inorganic 2 sy xperform sgt..
so final pown dpt ckup2 mkn jek,..
xske inorganic tp final project inorganic jgk kan farihah..
haha,,pdn mke aq!!yg xske tu la yg dpt..
so nak xnak kene tanamkan semangat 'SUKA' sgt kat inorganic ok farihah..

baru dua minggu xjmpe khalish haikal rse cm dua tahun..
rndu teramat sgt kat bdk kecik tu..
tgh buat apela dy skunx..
eh,,da tgh malam la..msti la tgh tdo.
xpown tgh merengek-rengek kat buai..atau tgh menyusu ngan ibu dy..
video dy wajib sy tgk mlm2..
sbg pengubat rndu..=(
dat's y la kalo blk wajib amek video dy byk2..
khalish rindu akak x syg??

so ok la guys..
hari pown da lewat sgt..
sok kene bngun awal nk solat sbuh and cyapkan lagi thesis sy nie..
gudnyte and

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